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Matthias Duller, Mikołaj Pawlak (red.)

State of Affairs (Stan Rzeczy) 13

Warszawa 2017

sugerowana cena detaliczna: 15 zł

ISBN: ISSN 2083-3059 | stron: 328 | oprawa: miękka

This issue of State of Affairs (Stan Rzeczy), entirely in English, treats about SOCIOLOGY UNDER STATE SOCIALISM / Prezentowany tu numer Stanu Rzeczy, wydany w całości w języku angielskim, poświęcony jest SOCJOLOGII W SOCJALIZMIE.

Viewed from afar, the political situations of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe under communist rule appear to have been roughly the same. It may thus seem obvious that the experiences of sociologists – and their institutional and epistemological situations – were also the same. But when we look more closely, it turns out that due to diverse national pre-war traditions, the different natures of socialist regimes, and the power of links to Western sociology, conditions were much more diverse than might have been expected.

In this issue of Stan Rzeczy (State of Affairs) we bring together the writings of scholars from Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Hungary, Romania, Albania, and Sweden to explore the diversity and similarity of sociology in these countries in terms of sociologists’ roles, attitudes toward Marxism as a live tradition and official ideology, the development of concepts, the inclination to engage in empirical research, and so on.



/7    Matthias Duller, Mikołaj Pawlak – Introduction: Varieties of Sociology under State Socialism



/21    Georges Mink – Sociology of Social Structure and Sociologists Working in Totalitarian and Post-Totalitarian Regimes in Central Europe, 1945–1989



/47    Stefan Bosomitu – Sociology Versus Ideology in Communist Romania: Sociology’s Re-Emergence and Role

/67    Agnieszka Kolasa-Nowak – Polish Sociology between the Project of Organised Development and the Idea of a Return to Normality

/93    Andrei Dudchik – The Birth of Sociology from the Spirit of (Critique of Bourgeois) Philosophy?: The Belarusian Case in the 1960s through 1980s

/119    Sokol Lleshi, Teuta Starova – The Autonomisation of the Cultural Field in Late Socialist Albania and the Emergence of Early Sociological Research



/147    Piotr Filipkowski, Judit Gárdos, Éva Kovács, Vera Szabari – Culture over Structure: The Heritage of Lifestyle Research in the 1970s in Hungary and Poland

/171    Michal Kopeček – From Scientific Social Management to Neoliberal Governmentality? Czechoslovak Sociology and Social Research on the Way from Authoritarianism to Liberal Democracy, 1969–1989

/197    Maciej Gdula – The Warsaw School of Marxism   

/227    Sven Eliaeson – Neoliberalism and Civil Society: Swedish Exceptionalism in a Comparative Perspective – On the Conceptual and Real History of Civil Society


/255    REVIEWS

/257    Florian Peters – Communist Utopia Revisited: Pavel Kolář, Der Poststalinismus. Ideologie und Utopie einer Epoche

/273    Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska – Continuity or a Change of Memory? A Book on the Historical Policies of the Later Polish People’s Republic: Florian Peters, Revolution der Erinnerung: Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Geschichtskultur des Spätsozialistischen Polen

/277    Krzysztof Świrek – Theorising the Fall(s) of Communism: Przemysław Sadura, Upadek komunizmu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w perspektywie współczesnych teorii rewolucji

/285    Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska – The Premature Ends of Central Europe: Weronika Parfianowicz-Vertun, Europa Środkowa w tekstach i działaniach. Polskie i czeskie dyskusje

/299    Friedrich Cain – Sociological Interventions from the Margins: Stanisław Ossowski, Stanisław Ossowski w pełnym blasku. Suplement do „Dzieł”, ed. Antoni Sułek

/307    Jarosław Kilias – Reflections on the Provincialism of Polish Political Science: Tomasz Warczok, Tomasz Zarycki, Gra peryferyjna. Polska politologia w globalnym polu nauk społecznych

/313    Dorota Wolska – Phenomenology as a Possibility of Social Thought: Elżbieta Hałas (ed.), Life-World, Intersubjectivity and Culture: Contemporary Dilemmas



/325    FORTHCOMING and call for papers

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